Posted in Shared Blogs: Reblogged!

My Green Journey

This poem by Dilip is a beautifully imagined piece of poetry. Read on… 🙂

Orange - Dilip

I saunter past thy green grove, with my shoes of leather
I watch white head crow caw, flappin’ its black feather
my chick-let gums stuck rather
deep in my Wooden Calcium stone corner
warp in my rose suave food road, brother
I whiff worn-torn Yella flower
rapped by a gang of blue band bees – oh Mother!
I speak smoke, in cold weather
there ain’t nobody to tether

A brown warm worm dig deep in musky clay
gape at me, with his chest full of black mud spray
I blow him with my stinky mint puff, eh!
he veil a sprig which shine grey;
I brush my Orange round necky-belly covering, say
T-shirt– erupts a sneeze of doom
make my pitch black moustache alignment lose its way
Ginger God, It’s freezing for the month of May
I perceive the sun through a prism of dewdrop, still on its stay

View original post 108 more words

Posted in Shared Blogs: Reblogged!

POETRY CHALLENGE#3 – Steps – Pantoum Poetry

Go on and read this poem by Kiwinana.. 🙂
Happy Reading! 🙂

Ramblings of a Writer


POETRY CHALLENGE#3: 27 November-10 December – Steps – Pantoum Poetry

Those steps have seen many footprints over the years
Some very important people have climbed these steps
In the winter those steps become very slippery
Because they have so much greenery surrounding them

Some very important people have climbed these steps
Draped in heavy clothing attire
Because they have so much greenery surrounding them
Often staining their draping skirts

Draped in heavy clothing attire
Making it a very hard job to reach the top
Often staining their draping skirts
But even worse slipping with their rubber sole shoes

Making it a very hard job to reach the top
As exhaustion often took over the elderly folk
But even worst slipping with their rubber sole shoes
Those slippery steps really need a rail to hold onto

As exhaustion often took over the elderly folk
In the winter those steps become very slippery

View original post 90 more words

Posted in Poetry Challenge!

The Poetry Challenge#3 : Links!

All right!

So, here are the links to the beautiful poems shared for The Poetry Challenge#3 :

Pantoum Poetry:  This poem by Kiwinana is a delight to read. Do check out the link for more. Atleast I myself read it thrice or four times just to enjoy and learn more about the form. 🙂

Decieved and Dead: This poem by Sasha takes you to an entirely different aspect of the picture. You would like the rhythm and the description out there! Do check out the link people! 🙂

Green Journey: The beauty of using words and that too in an entirely imagined world just through a picture…read on guys! 🙂

I am really glad to have received such beautiful poems for this Challenge.

Do drop in your views everyone and if you like the poems, don’t forget to appreciate the writers out there!

Happy Reading! 🙂